Counseling Services

Therapist Services in Wyandotte, MI

If you are looking for therapist services near Wyandotte, MI, look no further than Donald McEachran, PhD., for a variety of therapy services. We offer diverse treatments for different needs.

Counseling Services — Doctor Listening to her patient in Trenton, MI

Client Needs

Dr. McEachran is a clinical psychologist who has treated adolescents and adults for over 25 years. He has offered therapy services for depression, anxiety, ADHD, substance abuse, eating disorders, and learning disabilities. However, Dr. McEachran sees beyond the disorder that you are struggling with and works with you as a unique individual to find the best solution for your problem.

In addition to being a clinical psychologist, Dr. McEachran is also a licensed marriage and family therapist. If you are interested in a couple or family therapy session, he is equipped to give you the help you need. He wants to help you learn how to help yourself in your struggles and with your relationships.

Therapy Options

Because Dr. McEachran focuses on you as an individual, he offers a variety of treatment options to help you treat your symptoms in the way that works best for you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Dr. McEachran offers multiple types of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) options. CBT is meant to help you change your patterns of thinking so that your emotional state can improve. In general, CBT is most helpful for those who face emotional distress, such as those who have anxiety and depression diagnoses.

In addition to basic CBT, we offer mindfulness-based CBT and TEAM-CBT. Mindfulness-based CBT incorporates elements of meditation to help change thinking patterns. TEAM-CBT aims to help you become your own therapist through Testing, Empathy, Agenda setting, and Methods. Dr. McEachran is happy to help you decide which form of CBT is right for you.

Other Forms of Therapy

Besides CBT, we offer positive and psychodynamic therapy services. Positive therapy is similar to CBT, but the emphasis is specifically on looking for positivity in your life. Psychodynamic therapy is based on the teachings of Sigmund Freud and focuses on unresolved trauma.

If you would like to start receiving therapist services in Wyandotte, MI, call Dr. McEachran at (734) 671- 5640.

Different people respond to different types of treatment, so at Donald McEachran, PhD., we offer several therapist services that help relieve
symptoms while working to solve the underlying problem.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy involves attending a certain number of sessions and talking with a therapist. This treatment option is particularly

effective with emotional issues.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

This form of treatment is a mixture of CBT and other mindfulness strategies, like meditation. MBCT is often a great option for individuals

struggling with issues like depression, anxiety, and addiction.


This treatment option works on a framework that surrounds testing, empathy, agenda setting, and methods (TEAM). The aim of TEAM-CBT is to teach the individual - over a period of time - how to act as their own therapist.

Positive Therapy

Positive therapy works to emphasize the positive elements in an individual's life, internally and externally. By training the individual's mind to seek

out and notice positive influences, this option can be particularly useful for depression and anxiety.

Psychodynamic Therapy

This treatment option, which is influenced by Sigmund Freud, focuses on addressing past unresolved conflicts that unconsciously impact an

individual's present behavior.

Dr. McEachran can help you find and maintain relief and peace. To schedule an appointment in the Wyandotte, MI, area, call (734) 671-5640.
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